G U I T A R I S T ' S T O O L B O X Version 1.51s, May 18th 1993 Copyright (c) By Paul Dettman 1993 -------------------------------------------------- P R O G R A M M A N U A L -------------------------------------------------- C O P Y R I G H T N O T I C E Guitarist's Tooolbox consists of one executable file, three .DAT data files, and several .TXT files containing supporting documentation. ALL of these files, except for the file VENDOR.TXT are the property of the author, and may not be modified or dis-assembled without the author's express permission. However, I (the author) give permission for SHAREWARE DEMO versions of Guitarist's Toolbox to be passed around freely, possibly for a small handling fee not exceeding œ5.00 or its equivalent. The only proviso for this is that Guitarist's Toolbox is disributed COMPLETE and with ALL the files mentioned in README.TXT. REGISTERED VERSIONS of Guitarist's Toolbox are registered only to one person; this person may use Guitarist's Toolbox on his or any other computer providing only one of these computers is running Guitarist's Toolbox at any one time. The registered user MUST NOT give copies of his REGISTERED version to anyone else. W A R R A N T Y N O T I C E This program is provided AS IS and WITHOUT any warranty, either EXPRESSED or IMPLIED, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY and FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In case of PROBLEMS, YOU must assume the COST of all necessary servicing, repair, and correction. Under no circumstances will the author accept responsibility for the loss of data or damage to equipment sustained as a direct or indirect result of using this software. C O N T E N T S 1 ..... Introduction 2 ..... The Shareware Principle 3 ..... The Menu System, Data Entry 4 ..... Module 1: Note Analysis 5 ..... Module 2: Key Signatures 6 ..... Module 3: Chord Shape Library 7 ..... Module 4: Scales Library 8 ..... About Guitarist's Toolbox 9 ..... On-line Help System 10 ..... Quitting 11 ..... Appendix: Trouble Shooting ====================================================================== C H A P T E R O N E Introduction ====================================================================== Guitarist's Toolbox represents several months of work resulting from a conversation that I had with my guitar teacher. Basically, he knew a lot about the guitar (as guitar teachers do), and I knew very little. I know a lot about programming, but he knows very little. So he suggested that I write a program to show keys and chords and which notes belong to each key and chord. I thought about this for a few days, and then decided to give it a go. I had no idea what would happen, but eventually I cobbled together a routine that has now become the Note Analysis module. Within a few weeks, I had more and more ideas and the program grew from there. I polished it up, bought a new C++ compiler so I could finish it off, wrote some accompanying documentation, and you can now see the results for yourself. I admit that it is not really of commercial quality, but I think that in its field (and for its price!), it is very useful and potentially very powerful. The program is aimed at almost all guitar players. Novice players should find it useful as a learning tool, and more advanced players should look upon it as a revision tool. Acoustic players may not find the Scales Library too useful, but apart from that, the program is as much for Electric guitarists as it is for Acoustic players. Also, you don't really need to know much about computers (or MS-DOS) to use the program. Apart from a few basic commands such as running a program, changing directory, copying files, and so on, you can get away with almost no knowledge at all. And once Toolbox is installed, you just need to know how to run it; what could be simpler? So what is Guitarist's Toolbox? Well it consists of a network of menus from which you can choose various options. There are currently four main areas which I call 'Modules'. There is a module called 'Note Analysis' which will tell you which notes belong in which key, and which notes are present in which chords. All the keys are included, and most of the common chords as well. The second module, 'Key Signatures' is very simple but still useful. You tell it how many sharps or flats appear in the 'key signature' at the beginning of a piece of music, and it replies with the key that the piece has been written in. Module three is the 'Chord Shape Library'. This is potentially the most useful section. You can choose to display on screen any chord shape from a list of hundreds. This is really a computerised chord book but is much quicker than a standard book because you can display any chord shape immediately. If you decide to register your version of the program, I will send you a vastly extended chord shape library and a program that lets you add to the library, making the possible list of chord shapes endless. The fourth module is the 'Scales Library'. This is very similar to the chord library, but there are fewer scales to choose from, and the diagram is very different because the entire fretboard is shown on screen all at once. Again, if you register I will send you some extra scales and a utility program to let you add even more. Guitarist's Toolbox also contains an On-line help system, with brief instructions about each module so you can 'jog' your memory easily without leaving the program to find this manual. I now suggest that you go away and 'fiddle' with the program to familiarize yourself with it. Anything you can't work out should be looked up in this manual. Working this way will reduce the often lengthy and painful process of learning how to use some new software. You may find it easiest to print this manual onto paper. If you don't have a printer then don't worry, this isn't essential. I reccommend that you at least read the next section, about the principle of shareware, before too long. Don't forget that you still haven't paid me for the program, you have just covered the costs of the shareware library (or the bulletin board) and earned the right to test Toolbox for thirty (30) days. ====================================================================== C H A P T E R TWO The Shareware Principle ====================================================================== Guitarist's Toolbox is SHAREWARE. This means that me, the author, retains all copyright on the software but I allow it to be passed around between friends, relatives and associates and to be distributed through various mail order Shareware Libraries who may ask for a handling charge. This extends to Toolbox being disributed through any bulletin boards. Typically, this charge will be less than œ5.00. You get to use the program for this small fee, but only for a set time. In this case it is thirty days. After thirty days, you are expected to pay the author for the privelege of using the software unless you decide that you do not want to keep it, in which case you owe nobody any money at all, but you must stop using the program. If you continue using it, then I make a charge of œ9.99 including postage and various benefits. These benefits are described in detail in the file REGISTER.TXT. I cannot stress how important it is that you register the program if you like it. If nobody registers the program, then I can only assume that nobody uses it and there is therefore no reason for me to continue supporting and improving the software. So you see, if you register, you are making further versions of the software possible. Let me tell you, if I receive just one registration then I will at least know that somebody somewhere likes what I am doing. PLEASE REGISTER IF YOU FIND THIS PROGRAM USEFUL!!! Don't forget that this privelege of 'Try before you buy' software is unique. In no other situation will you be given this freedom. You will never be able to use a car for a month before you pay for it. Even if you buy on credit, you are not being given the freedoms associated with Shareware because there are interest charges associated with credit, and you still have to pay sooner or later. With Shareware, if you don't like it, you throw it away. You do that with a car you've bought on credit and you'll be in prison next week! To register this program, consult the REGISTER.TXT file for information. If you have a printer then you can print the file out, cut off the order form, fill it in, and send it to me with your remittance. If you do not have a printer, then just write to me, giving me all the information that you would have written on the order form. Please make sure the order form is filled in FULLY! ====================================================================== C H A P T E R T H R E E The Menu System, Data Entry ====================================================================== Guitarist's Toolbox has a very simple menu system to allow you to access the various modules easily. The menu consists of a list of numbered options. To select any of the options, just press the appropriate number. Simple, huh? Whenever you are expected to provide some information to the program, for example, selecting a menu option or entering a response to a question, you will be prompted with a line of RED text. So don't forget, wherever you see something written in RED then it is a question or a prompt for you to answer. In all situations other than the menu system and for replying to YES/NO questions, you must press after typing the required information before the program will continue. As a guide, whenever you need to give more than one letter responses, you must press before Toolbox will accept the information. ====================================================================== C H A P T E R F O U R Module 1: Note Analysis ====================================================================== This module was what started the ball rolling. A brief introduction to the module can be found in the main program. You will first be asked whether you are interested in major or minor keys and then which key in particular you are interested in. An important point to note is that you are not strictly entering the letter of a key unless you want to view the notes that make up the key, ie. menu option 3. For all the other options, you are really entering the main letter of a chord. For example, if you want to know which notes make up a chord of C major or C major 7 then you would answer 'MAJ' and 'C' to the first two prompts. When you have passed these first two prompts, you will be shown the main menu. The first two options are in case you want to change your answers to the first two prompts later on, ie. for selecting another major or minor key or selecting a different key letter. Use option 1 to keep the key letter but alternate between major and minor keys. Use option 2 to stay in the current group but to change letters. For example, if you are currently in C Major, use option 1 to change to C Minor, or option 2 to change to D Major. Option 3, as described above, will show you the 7 different notes that make up your chosen key. The other options will show which notes make up various chord shapes that have the same main letter which you have specified. Select option 12 to return to the main program menu when you have finished. ====================================================================== C H A P T E R F I V E Module 2: Key Signatures ====================================================================== Although one of the simpler modules, this is one of the most useful for the novice reader of music. Any piece of music will have a 'Key Signature'. It looks like a series of '#' or 'b' marks just after the clef but before the time signature. This key signature indicates what key the piece is written in, and hence which notes and chords are most likely to appear in the music. Any particular key will have a set number of sharps ('#' signs) or flats ('b' signs). The number of sharps and flats, which may be zero, indicates the key. Therefore, the program will ask you first how many sharps there are. If you enter a number greater than zero then you are told the corresponding key. If you enter zero then you will be asked how many flats there are and then told which key it is. After displaying the key, the program will ask whether you want to find another key signature. If you enter 'N' then you will be returned to the main program menu. ====================================================================== C H A P T E R S I X Module 3: Chord Shape Library ====================================================================== This is the largest section of the program and is of use to every guitarist who doesn't know by heart every single chord shape! You are first presented with a main menu with a series of numbers and names of chords. You can advance through the 'library' of chords by pressing 'A' (followed by ). Step back through the library by pressing 'B' (followed by ). Note that thirty chord titles are visible at any one time, although the Shareware version only has 15 chord shapes in total. Selecting the number of the chord shape you require (and then pressing ) will bring up a diagram of that chord. Note that although you can only see thirty titles at any one time, you can request any chord shape, even if it is not currently displayed. Invalid selections (ie. numbers less than zero or greater than the last chord) will be ignored. There are various points to note about a chord shape diagram. Eight frets of a guitar are drawn in the centre of the screen. The top fret will ususally be the first fret on the guitar, but a message on the left will tell you whether or not this is actually the case. The frets on the diagram that correspond to the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 17th, 19th and 21st frets on the guitar are coloured brown. All other frets are coloured yellow. The three thicker strings represent the three bass strings E, A and D. If any of the strings are shown as a dotted line, ie. 'broken' then that string does not form a part of that particular chord shape and should not be played. Finger positions over the frets are shown by white squares. The finger position representing the 'root' note of the chord is coloured green. If the root note is actually an open string, then the whole string is coloured green. If there is a straight line of white squares, eg. if every string is played at the sixth fret, then this chord is probably a 'barre' chord and you should play these frets by laying out your index finger across the neck of the guitar, and using your other three fingers to make the remaining positions. When you have finished looking at a particular shape, press any key to return to the library menu. You may now make another selection, or press 'C' followed by to return to the main program menu. If you own a registered version of the program, you will have a separate utility called MAKSHAPE.BAT that you can use to add chord shapes to the library. This utility (and the associated MAKSHAP2.EXE and supporting documentation) is available exclusively to registered users of Guitarist's Toolbox. ====================================================================== C H A P T E R S E V E N Module 4: Scales Library ====================================================================== The scales library is similar in many ways to the chord library covered earlier. The menu system is identical, just select the number of the scale you wish to view and press . The diagram uses the same symbols and colours, but all twenty-five frets of a guitar are shown, running horizontally from left to right. When you have finished viewing a particular scale, just press any key. As in the chord library, 'C' followed by will return you to the main program menu. Again, if you own a registered version of the program, you will have a separate utility called MAKSCALE.BAT that you can use to add scales to the library. This utility (and the associated MAKSCAL2.EXE and supporting documentation) is available exclusively to registered users of Guitarist's Toolbox. ====================================================================== C H A P T E R E I G H T About Guitarist's Toolbox ====================================================================== This option gives out various messages and warnings agout the program. It will vary depending on whether you are using the Shareware version or a Registered version. Registered Users get a stunningly interesting screen with REGISTERED VERSION and their name stamped somewhere. The rest get politely reminded to register!! ====================================================================== C H A P T E R N I N E On-line Help System ====================================================================== The on-line help system for Guitarist's Toolbox is provided from a file called INSTRUCT.DAT which must be stored in the SAME directory to the main GUITAR.EXE program. This file can only be read from Guitarist's Toolbox. Main menu option 5 will take you into this module and you will then be presented with the help menu. Help is available for all four modules, or you can press '5' to return to the main menu. Selecting any of the first four options will give a brief screen or two of help on that module. The help in this section is slightly different to that found in this manual - use the manual in conjunction with the on-line help, not instead of the on-line help. When your chosen help section is displayed, you can press any key to advance a page at a time through the file. You can actually read about any of the modules after and including the one you chose. For example, if you choose option 2, you can read about any of the last three modules. Choosing option 1 allows you to read the entire help file. Pressing 'Q' at any time will return you to the help menu, and you will be returned to the help menu automatically when you have seen the whole file. There is no need to press anywhere in the help section - a single keypress is enough. ====================================================================== C H A P T E R T E N Quitting ====================================================================== To leave Guitarist's Toolbox, return to the main menu from whichever module you are currently using and choose option 7. The screen will clear and a message will appear. There will be a different message for the Shareware and Registered versions. Shareware users will be asked to register, and registered users will be thanked for their generosity. ====================================================================== C H A P T E R E L E V E N Appendix: Trouble Shooting ====================================================================== Guitarist's Toolbox has been tested thoroughly on my computer. I cannot guarantee that it will work on anybody else's, but I can give you some helpful hints if you are having trouble. I suggest you work down the list from top to bottom. Here goes... þ You do not need a hard disk, although one is reccommended. Toolbox will run much slower from a floppy disk, but WILL work. þ Make sure you have a copy of MS-DOS version 3.0 or higher, or alternatively a copy of DR DOS. I have tested this program with MS-DOS version 5. þ Make sure ANSI.SYS is loaded. Your CONFIG.SYS file may need a line adding that looks something like this, DEVICE=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS Check your DOS reference manual for more details. þ Also check that you have an EGA graphics card or higher. Toolbox also works fine with my Paradise SVGA card and monitor. Toolbox was designed to run on a colour system and MIGHT not work on monochrome systems. þ I have tested Toolbox on my 40MHz 386 DX system but it should work on any other processor from the 8086 to the Intel Pentium!!!! The program contains only 8086 code so there should be no compatibility problems with other chips. þ Make sure you have enough memory. Toolbox uses very little memory by today's standards, but you should have about 70K for the shareware version and no more than 150K for the registered version. This shouldn't be a problem for anybody, but use the DOS 'mem' command to check out what you have available. þ Make sure that ALL of the following Toolbox files are in the same directory as GUITAR.EXE and that you are in this directory whenever you run the program. That is, do not put the path of GUITAR.EXE in the PATH command in your autoexec.bat file. The necessary files are: GUITAR.EXE, INSTRUCT.DAT, CRDSHAPE.DAT, SCALES.DAT. þ Look at the file REGISTER.TXT for details of a special offer. I will look at your files and disk to see if either are damaged. The charge (which includes postage, handling, and a free replacement disk if necessary) is very reasonable. This option should be used as a last resort; try contacting the shareware library first, or (if you got the files from a bulletin board), download them again to make sure they didin't get damaged on the way.